4 Kings
Super Antioxidant Every Day Tonic
$36.00 — or subscribe and save up to 20%
These herbs have been used for thousands of years in medicine and ceremony. This blend of Frankincense, Myrrh, Turmeric and Cinnamon is designed to be a daily tonic to elevate your health and wellness. These herbs are famous for their Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory capabilities among many other benefits.
We use a double extraction method; first using 190 Proof Craft Grade Coconut Alcohol for one full lunar cycle followed by a water extraction using Hydrogen Rich filtered water for the second extraction. Some elements are extracted in alcohol and others in water to ensure we extract all the medicinal elements from the raw materials.
4 Kings Super Antioxidant Tonic is part of our Everyday Tonic Line designed to be incorporated into your daily life as a boost to your body’s natural defense system. The formula has a strong flavor and sticky consistency (can stain if spilled). It can be too strong for direct oral application so we recommend mixing it with a small amount of water, juice, tea or smoothie on a daily basis. With each sip of your Everyday Tonic Mixture allow it to sit in the mouth for greater absorption.
If the dropper is sticky and clogged, squeeze and release several times or run the dropper under hot water.